- M1→??
- S1→??
- PPC→??
- PAG→??
The predominant role of the primary motor cortex (M1) in motor execution is well acknowledged. However, additional roles of M1 are getting evident in humans owing to advances in noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS) techniques. This review collates such studies in humans and proposes that M1 also plays a key role in higher cognitive processes.
Research suggests that unconscious activity in the supplementary motor area (SMA) precedes not only certain simple motor actions but also the point at which we become aware of our intention to perform such actions. The extent to which these findings have implications for our understanding of the concepts of free will and personal responsibility has been subject of intense debate during the latest four decades.
略語 | 脳領域 |
M1 | 一次運動野 |
Pre-SMA | 補足運動野 |
ACC | 前帯状回 |
PFC | 前頭前野 |
dlPFC | 背外則前頭前野 |
mPFC | 内側前頭前野 |
OFC | 眼窩前頭皮質 |
FEF | 前頭眼野 |
Somatosensory evoked potentials demonstrated in all mammals that the body is orderly and multiply represented in the anterior parietal cortex. The parietal lobe was divided into an anterior and a posterior cortex (PPC). The PPC is particularly developed in primates, where it includes a superior and an inferior parietal lobule. The PPC was initially thought to be a higher-order region for somatosensory information processing, but its functional specialization proved soon to be greater and more complex.
略語 | 脳領域 |
S1 | 一次体性感覚野 |
S2 | ニ次体性感覚野 |
PPC | 後頭頂葉 |
AG | 角回 |
SMG | 縁上回 |
SPL | 上頭頂小葉 |
IPL | 下頭頂小葉 |
PG | 中心後回 |
The periaqueductal gray matter (PAG), as one of the mostly preserved evolutionary components of the brain, is an axial structure modulating various important functions of the organism, including autonomic, behavioral, pain, and micturition control. It has a critical role in urinary bladder physiology, with respect to storage and voiding of urine. The PAG has a columnar composition and has extensive connections with its cranially and caudally located components of the central nervous system (CNS).
After a stroke, movement disorders are rare manifestations mainly affecting the deep structures of the brain like the basal ganglia (44%) and thalamus (37%), although there have been case studies of movement disorders in strokes affecting the cerebral cortex also.
略語 | 脳領域 |
V1 | 一次視覚野 |
Amygdala(Amy) | 扁桃体 |
Thalamus | 視床 |
Insular(IC) | 島皮質 |
PAG | 中脳中心灰白質 |
Hipp | 海馬 |
BG | 大脳基底核 |
NAcc | 即座核 |
CNS | 中枢神経系 |
略語 | 脳領域 |
ACA | 前大脳動脈 |
MCA | 中大脳動脈 |
PCA | 後大脳動脈 |
Acom | 前交通動脈 |
Pcom | 後交通動脈 |
CC | 総頸動脈 |
IC | 内頸動脈 |
EC | 外頸動脈 |
SCA | 上小脳動脈 |
AICA | 前下小脳動脈 |
PICA | 後下小脳動脈 |
BA | 脳底動脈 |
VA | 椎骨動脈 |
Acho | 前脈絡叢動脈 |
LSA | レンズ核線条体動脈 |